What could be more interesting than a journey into the geological past of the Earth. If you want to know how the Tian-Shan and Pamir mountain systems arose, join our trip to the Madygen Geopark in southern Kyrgyzstan. Here you will touch the geological history of the Tian-Shan Mountains. Imagine how the history of the people living here, and their modern life, continues to depend entirely on geological history, on the processes that take place on the surface of the Earth and in its depths. We will tell you about the fossilized remains of the inhabitants of long-disappeared reservoirs. Today, these fossils make up geological layers and form the colorful mountains of Madygen.

Traditions, cultural features and crafts have been preserved here. Hand weaving of the famous carpets and woodcarving, where the hands of craftsmen from generation to generation make musical instruments from apricot wood, and women weave carpets from wool. Welcome to Madygen Geopark!